Alberto Fernández did not want it, a destroyer of power whose method of government consists of liquefying both his own power and that of everyone else. The Peronist governors did not want it, in general a conservative race, "austere for courage" (in the expression of the Peronist leader Juan Amondarain) and without an alternative project, but who mistrusts the deputy's will to power. Neither did Cristina Fernández, perhaps because she knew –as only two old enemies can know- that Massa's manifest destiny (if he has one and manages to survive this crisis in the coming days and weeks) is to end his leadership.
A Brutus in Caesar's cabinet. All Peronism did the impossible not to end up in Massa. And yet there it is. Massa's arrival is revealing of the nakedness (of ideas, convictions, audacity) of the contemporary Peronist elite, and not only of the figure of the president. Sometimes it seems that the scenes south africa phone number list of presidentia l indignity, the whores, the delivery of close ministers, the pathetic personal picture of his relationship with Cristina Fernández -including his periods without dialogue- have the sole function of making the rest of his colleagues in power they feel comparatively more dignified. And yet, many times they are not.
Massa arrives because with his audacity and his will he assumes the power that nobody wanted to assume and that everyone, including especially the vice president, was emptying. As we pointed out, Kirchnerism systematically supported and requested, on and off the record , with all its available resources, the resignation of Minister Guzmán, the disciple of Joseph Stiglitz. They accused him of excessive collusion with the IMF, of lack of social sensitivity, of fiscalism and other crimes of "leso progressivism." However, after his resignation, Kirchnerism was unable to propose any superior alternative. The silence at the top of Argentine power was overwhelming, consolidating the idea that Kircherism became, in its current phase, only a system of vetoes turned into State policy. The arrival of Massa –no matter how much tactical entente may have existed between him and the vice in the final hours of the putsch–expresses that Cristina 's leadership has no answers or solutions for the Argentine crisis.