The challenge of the current labor market is so great that inflow, throughflow and outflow should no longer be an HR or recruitment item. These themes should be invested at C-level. HR and recruitment are indeed in the lead on these themes, but it can no longer be a one-way street (HR and recruitment that only gives account to C-level). You want a vertical core group (the thug with as many C-level members as possible), management and hiring management. Your core group.
Also need to meet frequently, because winning Executive List in recruitment and HR in this market is a marathon and not a short sprint. Image for step 1: Form a vertical vigilante group. When you put together such a vertical core group in your organization, the trick is to safeguard both the quantity and quality of the composition of the members. You want representation from all walks of life, who have the right influence and the appropriate mandate to act. Which stakeholders in the organization.
Will you need anyway? Marketing communications HR finance Purchase Operations (the floor) Together with them you make the new battle plan. Step 2. Start with a battle plan: look at work differently So, you have convinced all stakeholders from all walks of life that recruitment, promotion and outflow is really a 'thing' of the entire organization (and not just of your department). Now you are planning the kick-off for your project plan. Image from a remote location. Preferably you do the kick-off in an external environment.