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During the testing period it was necessary to frequently inspect the connections between the HFOs and the HVAC. Due to this reason, additional connectors, with the same dimensions as the original ones, were added to the system and subjected to the final tests. It was found that additional connectors did not up-grade the performance of the system. The simplicity of the installation and the connection of the HFOs to the HVAC was of critical importance for the testing process. Any possible installation error became apparent during the installation phase and then was not easily detected and corrected. This had a significant impact on how the system performed in the long term. To further assess the performance of the system in the long term, a special test facility was designed that was used as a testing space for the HFOs during the installation and testing process. The testing facility is a 2,800 m2 laboratory that was equipped with a fire sprinkler system. The fire station contained an auxiliary water pump, a manifold pump, a contract sprinkler pump, a fire controller, a control room, a fire alarm system, and a heavy-duty exhaust fan. This test space is only available to fire investigators. The testing facility consisted of three 20 m x 20 m test rooms on the first floor of the building. All rooms had the same dimensions. Each room contained a pair of HFOs with the same AUFS rating and the same HVAC units, the same layout of the switchboard and HVAC condenser, etc. This testing facility was used for the testing and debugging of the HFOs, the test room heating systems, and the control room.
This article presents a systematic evaluation of the energy saving potential of wind heat pump systems at the technical level by means of reliable and accurate test methods. Wind-driven generators were characterized according to the measured wind speed, the typical wind conditions, and the system specifications. The power generation, the power consumption, and the costs according to the standard methods were determined and compared with the results of the tested wind heat pump systems. d2c66b5586